PriceStats in the News
Argentina Central Bank Sees Monthly Inflation Going Over 10%
Bloomberg. 8/29/23
“Argentina’s central bank expects monthly inflation in August to have accelerated to almost double the pace of July after the government devalued the peso, two officials said……”
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Lots of investors think inflation is under control. Not so fast
The Economist. 2/16/23
“For the past year and a half high inflation has tormented central banks, haunted
financial markets and weighed heavily on the minds—and wallets—of the public…”
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Inflation Showed Signs of Easing in Several Industries in August
The Wall Street Journal. 9/11/22
“U.S. consumer-price inflation showed signs of moderating in August for the second
straight month, though the decrease was uneven across sectors and it remains unclear
whether the slowdown will continue…”
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State Street, PriceStats to Provide Online Food Inflation Data to Policymakers, the Public and Extend Provision of Comprehensive Inflation Data to Central Banks
Business Wire. 5/17/22
“State Street Corporation (NYSE:STT) today announced that it will begin providing
the PriceStats Global Food Inflation series to the public, on a complimentary basis, to
help policymakers grapple with rapidly rising food prices and supply shortages driven by
the war in Ukraine…”
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How investors are using alternative data to track the inflation debate
MarketWatch. 8/3/21
“With the debate over inflation dominating financial markets as the global economy
reopens from the COVID-19 pandemic, investors are turning to a number of so-called
alternative-data sources in an effort to get a more timely read on what’s happening to
prices around the world…”
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Covid-19 policy-making and the need for high-speed data
Central Banking. 8/18/20
“The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 triggered what may have been the fastest economic
downturn in history. Overnight, government-imposed lockdowns caused whole sectors of the
economy to shut down….”
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State Street To Provide Central Banks With PriceStats Inflation Indicators to Assess Economic Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Business Wire. 4/14/20
“State Street Corporation (NYSE:STT) today announced that it will offer its State
Street PriceStats Series, a comprehensive suite of indicators to monitor trends in
retailer pricing and consumer demand in 22 countries, to central banks around the world
at no cost…”
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State Street Expands PriceStats Offering with Additional Indicators
Business Wire. 1/23/20
“State Street Corporation (NYSE:STT) today announced an expansion in coverage of
State Street PriceStats Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Indicators, which measure real
exchange rates (RERs) for targeted economies with respect to the United States and, for
select countries, Germany…”
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Growth of online retail is changing inflation
Financial Times. 8/25/18
“The swelling influence of online retailers is changing the way inflation
by making it more sensitive to one-off shocks such as jumps in the price of oil,
currency swings or the imposition of tariffs, according to new
full article
Can’t Wait a Month for Inflation Data? Daily Gauge Shows Prices in Real
The Wall Street Journal. 2/21/18
“Investors on the edge of their seats about inflation’s next move don’t have
to wait until mid-March to find out how prices changed this month. PriceStats, a
Cambridge, Mass., firm that tracks prices of millions of items sold online, produces
a measure of U.S. consumer prices daily…”
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Can big data revolutionise policymaking by governments?
Financial Times. 1/31/18
“When Alberto Cavallo was a child growing up in Argentina in the late 1980s,
the Latin American country was suffering one of its occasional
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Economics in central banking: Alberto Cavallo and Roberto Rigobon – Billion Prices Project/PriceStats
Central Banking. 1/24/18
“Through a vast and ongoing data-collecting exercise, PriceStats has helped
central banks overcome many of the drawbacks inherent in traditional inflation
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Para el Gobierno y las consultoras, la inflación de octubre llegaría al
La Nacion. 10/26/17
“La inflación de octubre apunta a terminar en torno del 1,5%, según las
estimaciones preliminares del Gobierno y las de las consultoras privadas…”
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UK prices rising faster after Brexit vote
Sky News. 3/7/17
“Prices in the UK are now rising at an annual rate of more than 3% in the
latest evidence of economic fallout from the EU referendum, according to figures
seen by Sky News…”
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Since Brexit Vote, U.K. Online Inflation Surging After Pound Decline While Economy Stalls
Forbes. 8/15/16
“Since the June 23 U.K. referendum that saw 52% of voters wanting to leave the
European Union, there has been no shortage of pundits offering their opinion on the
economic impact of “Brexit”…”
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Mass Technology Leadership Council Announces Finalists for the 19th Annual Technology Leadership Awards
MarketWired. 7/20/16
“Leaders of the Massachusetts innovation community gathered last night at the
Microsoft NERD Center for a reception at which the group announced finalists for the
2016 MassTLC Technology Leadership Awards. The awards shines a spotlight on the best
of the region’s internationally respected…”
Read full
Straws in the wind
The Economist. 7/16/16
“Before the referendum, economists were in near-unanimous agreement that a
vote to Leave would hit the economy. And as predicted, the past three weeks have
been torrid….”
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A billion prices can’t be wrong
Financial Times. 5/13/16
“In the dying days of 2015 came news to set any geek’s pulse racing: the
declaration of a ‘statistical emergency’ by Mauricio Macri, the new
president of Argentina…”
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AXA Investment Managers Leverages State Street PriceStats Inflation Series and MKT MediaStats’ Big Data Analytics to Sharpen and Accelerate Investment Decision-Making Process
BusinessWire. 4/5/16
“AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) today announced a collaboration with State
Street and MKT MediaStats to evaluate data-driven indicators that help analyse
economic and market information…”
Read full press release
An Augean stable
The Economist. 2/13/16
“Government bean-counters do not, in most countries, have a reputation for
derring-do. But in Argentina some have proved to be martyrs and
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Here’s the Real Legacy of the Kirchners in Argentina
Bloomberg. 11/4/2015
“Argentina President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner warns voters that they
stand to lose everything they gained under 12 years of government by herself and her
late husband if they vote for the opposition…”
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Greece Is In A Deflationary Spiral According To Online Prices
Forbes. 7/20/2015
“As Greek banks re-open today after a 3-week closure and as the European state
works toward reaching a new deal with creditors, it’s still unclear what the full
effect of the run on Greek banks has been…”
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Alberto Cavallo: “Me gusta la economía empírica, basada en datos concretos”
La Nación. 5/11/2015
“Llegó al lugar indicado, al centro en el que conviven dos de sus grandes
pasiones. Alberto Cavallo, el hijo menor del ex ministro de Economía del país, es
-desde 2010- profesor universitario del prestigioso Instituto Tecnológico de
Massachusetts (MIT)….”
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The Success of Monitoring the Economy With Big Data
The Huffington Post. 3/17/2015
“It’s rare to find academic economists in the Ivory Tower creating new
technologies that generate waves of interest jointly from policymakers, Wall Street
and Silicon Valley. Roberto Rigobon and Alberto Cavallo, two professors at the MIT
Sloan School of Management, make an exception…”
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The Billion Prices Project Thinks Inflation May Have Turned a Sharp Corner
The Wall Street Journal. 3/13/2015
“One of the biggest economic questions facing the U.S. economy in 2015 is
this: Will measures of inflation veer into deflationary territory, or will prices
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Retail Sales Don’t Take Growth Off the Shelf
The Wall Street Journal. 1/14/2015
“Retail sales softened markedly last month, but that might have as much to do
with the prices consumers paid as how much stuff they bought…”
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The Economic Impact Of Falling Oil Prices: ‘Expansionary Disinflation’
Forbes. 1/12/2015
“Forget about the ‘secular stagnation’ theory of an ailing U.S.
economy. According to the Labor Department, payrolls grew at a seasonally adjusted
increase of 242,000 in December adding to the soaring U.S. job growth of 2014 which
represents the strongest annual job creation since 1999…”
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Online Prices Indicate Russian Inflation Spike After Ruble Decline
Forbes. 1/1/2015
“Russia’s economy looks eerily similar to the 1998 Russian financial crisis
which was also characterized by significant declines in the price of oil, a
significant decline in the Ruble, sharp hikes in the central
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Why the Decline in the Consumer Price Index Might Not Be Over
The Wall Street Journal. 12/17/2014
“November saw the steepest drop in consumer prices in almost six years, and
that decline may have further to go as the collapse of oil continues to pull down
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Oil Is Dragging Down Prices Faster Than Official Price Index Can Capture
The Wall Street Journal. 12/16/2014
“Consumer prices around the world are pulling back so rapidly, along with the
collapse of oil prices, that official measures of inflation have yet to capture the
magnitude of the decline…”
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When Should You Shop? Right After Black Friday
The New York Times. 11/27/2014
“Want the best deals on electronics, but don’t feel like camping out for two
weeks in front of Best Buy? Stay home on Friday, but don’t wait too long after that
to shop online…”
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The 50 most influential Latin American intellectuals 2014
ES Global. 11/19/2014
“Who are generating ideas in Latin America? esglobal search resumes 50 most
influential Latin American intellectuals in order to highlight the enormous talent
and variety of views that are generated…”
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Inflation Truth, Really
The New York Times. 11/14/2014
“I’m in Argentina for the day — literally (stuff came up, forcing me to make
this a very quick visit; sorry, no time for media interviews or anything not already
booked). And I thought it might be worth telling people something they may not know
about the history of MIT’s Billion Prices Project…”
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Global disinflation fears rock markets: here are three new ways to track inflation
The Telegraph. 10/16/2014
“Understanding inflation – the average rate at which prices rise –
is crucial to economists and investors alike. Now a lack of it – inflation has
been falling across the US, UK, and eurozone – coupled with meagre economic
growth has put fear into traders…”
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Argentina Defaults and Will Repeg to the Dollar, but What if the U.S. Defaults?
The Street. 07/31/2014
“Argentina defaults, and the cycle repeats once again, exactly as before.
After defaulting, the government pegs to the dollar, as tracked in the PowerShares
DB U.S. Dollar Index Bullish (UUP). Then it spends…”
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Another Reason Not to Fear Inflation
Bloomberg View. 07/11/2014
“U.S. inflation has been accelerating in recent months, presenting the Federal
Reserve with a tricky question as it decides how quickly to remove stimulus from the
U.S. economy: Is the rise in prices a precursor of things to come or simply a
“catching up” phase as people begin to spend again after a brutal
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Big data: An opportunity to boost analytical capacities
SciDev.Net. 04/15/2014
“In recent years there has been much discussion — and even hype — about big
data. Much of this centres on big data’s potential to cure many of the ills of
official statistical production, such as how quickly National Statistics Offices
(NSOs) can respond to a new policy request, high costs…”
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Big Data Is About To Produce A Whole Bunch Of Google-like Companies — Here’s How
Business Insider. 08/15/2013
“By now, chances are you’ve heard the term ‘big data.’ It
refers to the gobs of information being collected about us and our world through
things like Twitter, Facebook, Google, smartphones, GPS locations, and tiny sensors
built into everything. But the question for most people is…”
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Argentine Opposition Lawmakers Say Prices Rose 1.5% in March
Bloomberg. 04/11/2013
“Argentina’s consumer prices rose 1.5 percent in March, more than in February
even after supermarkets agreed to freeze prices until June, opposition lawmakers
said today…”
Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform how We Live, Work, and Think
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier. 04/2013
PriceStats was featured in Big Data, a widely acclaimed book which explains
what big data is, how it will impact our lives, and how to mitigate the risks involved
with its use. Forbes magazine calls it “an excellent introduction for
general audiences to what has become a topic of conversation everywhere”…
Read more about the book
Now HERE’S Some Government Manipulated Economic Data
Business Insider. 10/10/2012
“The global economy is moving into a good old fashioned slowdown with the
developed world’s policy options limited and investors nervous, putting the
spotlight firmly on…”
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Global Markets Week Ahead: Fed to shine light on policy path
Reuters. 07/13/2012
“The global economy is moving into a good old fashioned slowdown with the
developed world’s policy options limited and investors nervous, putting the
spotlight firmly on U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in the coming week to
point the way ahead…”
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The Economist. 03/31/2012
“For the past 20 years a plaque has adorned the lobby of Argentina’s Central
Bank, proclaiming its “primary and fundamental mission to preserve the value of the
currency”. This week the plaque was removed…”
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What Manipulated Government Economic Statistics Really Look Like
Business Insider. 03/27/2012
“People love to spin conspiracy theories regarding US economic data, and how
the government manages the numbers to get favorable results…”
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The Economist. 02/25/2012
“Imagine a world without statistics. Governments would fumble in the dark,
investors would waste money and electorates would struggle to hold their political
leaders to account…”
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The Economist. 02/25/2012
“History has left Argentines with more than their share of economic trauma.
Having twice suffered destructive bouts of hyperinflation in the late 1980s, they
are sensitive to rising prices. When they spot inflation their instinct is to dump
the peso and buy dollars…”
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The Economist. 02/24/2012
“In this week’s print edition, we explain why we have decided to drop
Argentina’s official inflation statistics and publish a private-sector estimate,
State Streets’ PriceStats Index, instead. ….”
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The Economist. 06/23/2011
“If the inflationistas are right, where should they look for signs of
accelerating price growth? Many are suspicious of official numbers: John Williams,
the boss of an inflation-statistics website…”
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The New Yorker. 05/30/2011
“Between official government statistics, industry surveys, and Wall Street
forecasts, it often seems like we’re drowning in data, often of uncertain value. But
consider the alternative. In the early…”
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Tracking Inflation: How Fast Are Prices Rising?
PBS NewsHour. 05/13/2011
“Now inflation. The government’s latest figures show prices made the
biggest jump in any twelve month period since October 2008. But when gas and food
are added inflation feels even higher to most Americans, and that presents…”
Watch the video
Economists Find Faster, Cheaper Way to Measure Inflation
Scientific American. 05/11/2011
“Even in the information age, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics still
gathers much of its data the old-fashioned way. Workers make phone calls to find out
what dentists charge for pulling teeth, and they visit stores to write down the
prices of CDs and Russet potatoes…”
Read full article
Bank to publish inflation data from internet
Financial Times. 05/04/2011
“Inflation data harvested from the internet will take its first big step into
financial markets on Thursday after a bank agreed to publish real-time price indices
developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…”
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Billion Price Preview
The New York Times. 03/28/2011
“One indicator I’ve been tracking lately is the MIT Billion Price Index; it
basically tracks the goods component of the CPI, but of course has higher frequency,
so it’s kind of an early warning indicator…”
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New indications of inflation
Econbrowser. 02/20/2011
“The BLS reported on Thursday that the inflation rate as measured by the
headline CPI has been 1.6% over the last year. Excluding food and energy, the
inflation rate would be 1.0%. The MIT Billion Prices Project is recording a slightly
higher inflation rate for the U.S. of about 2.5%…”
full article
The Billion Price Index
The New York Times. 02/18/2011
“Some commenters have been claiming that the MIT Billion Price Index is
telling a very different story from the official Consumer Price Index. So I guess
it’s worth pointing out that it really matches pretty well. What you need to realize
is that the Billion Price Index, inevitably, only covers goods — not services. So
it’s got a narrower focus than the CPI…”
Read full article
Innovator: Alberto Cavallo
Bloomberg Businessweek. 02/10/2011
“To track inflation, each month the Bureau of Labor Statistics canvasses
businesses and records the price of, say, a 4.4-pound bag of golden delicious
apples, among hundreds of other items. The agency dials land lines to survey how
consumers spend their money. It’s essentially the same process the BLS has
used for half a century. In a recent budget request, the agency admitted its methods
are “increasingly out of touch” in the age of cell phones and e-commerce…”
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The Price is Right
MIT News. 01/14/2011
“Inflation is a crucial economic indicator, since rising prices can hurt
consumers and trigger political discontent. It is also hard to measure. In the
United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics employees track over 20,000 prices in
person or via phone, which are then aggregated into the Consumer Price Index…”
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The real-time Inflation Calculator
The New York Times. 12/19/2010
“Measuring inflation is a time-consuming business: at the beginning of each
month, government researchers across the country amass troves of data on prices for
everything from shoes to milk to phones. Two weeks after the end of the month, the
government releases gauges of inflation like the Consumer Price Index. But inflation
hunters may now get an advance glimpse of the data…”
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Economists’ Programs are beating U.S. at tracking inflation
The Washington Post. 12/25/2010
“At 23,000 retailers and businesses in 90 U.S. cities, hundreds of government
workers find and note prices on very precise products. And I’m not kidding
when I say “very precise”… “
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Do we need Google to measure inflation?
Slate. 12/20/2010
“…This mind-numbingly tedious process goes on for a dizzying panoply of
items: wine, takeaway meals, bedroom furniture, surgical procedures, pet dogs,
college tuition, cigarettes, haircuts, funerals. When all of the prices are marked
down, the workers submit forms that are collated, checked, and input into massive
spreadsheets… “
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Billion Prices Now
Econbrowser. 11/17/2010
“Justin Lahart is among those calling attention to the Billion Prices Project
of MIT Professors Roberto Rigobon and Alberto Cavallo. The basic idea of the Billion
Prices Project is to automate search of websites around the world that report prices
at which various vendors are offering to sell specific item…”
full article
A Way, Day by Day, of Gauging Prices
The Wall Street Journal. 11/10/2010
“Economists will dissect next Wednesday’s government report on consumer
prices for any sign inflation is heating up—or cooling. But a pair of academics in
Boston already has data they think show where prices went. For that matter, they
claim to be able to track how prices fared …”
Read full article